Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pershing Square, 1923 (formerly Central Park)

1890, Having lived in Los Angeles since the mid-1990s, I’m used to a Pershing Square that’s filled with large concrete balls, expanses of tile, and a weirdly abstract, angular tower.  In 1952, the park was excavated to build an underground parking garage, so Angelenos lost this peaceful, shady, almost bucolic oasis in the middle of their bustling city. This shot of the square is from around 1890 when it was known as Sixth Street Park, and Los Angeles was still pretty much only what we now think of as downtown LA. How nice it must have been to stroll down the paths and maybe sit on a bench and watch the world amble by.  Thanks to Martin Turnbull

1920s, In this wonderfully atmospheric shot, some quick-minded photographer captured a streetcar running through the intersection of 6th and Hill Streets in Downtown Los Angeles.  Those trees behind it are in Pershing Square, and behind them is the Biltmore Hotel.  The hotel opened in October 1923, so we know the photo dates to at least then  But in general, the photo screams 1920s, especially the hats on the ladies, and I love it for that reason alone.  Thank you to Martin Turnbull.  

1951, Some of the oldtimers sit under the "Pershing Square" sign as they watch their "outdoor home" being torn apart.  Thanks to the LAPL.

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