Saturday, June 22, 2024

Arroyo Seco Pkwy CA-110, Formerly the 11 Pasadena Freeway

So our old Pasadena Freeway, (11), is now called the Arroyo Seco Pkwy CA-110?  Do these modern city governments know how to ruin a people's history one word at a time, one bureaucrat at a time? 

If that is Elysian Park in the background up on the hill, then this ramp should be the northbound transition to the Golden State Freeway 5, newly constructed in 1959.  The caption reads, 

1961-May-16 - Facing westerly at construction of SB Pasadena Fwy (then CA-11, now Arroyo Seco Pkwy CA-110) to NB Golden State Fwy (then US-6-99, now I-5) connector.  Elysian Park in background. 
At that time, curved steel girders were considered innovative and unique. Support column at center rests atop a pre-stressed outrigger girder spanning the Arroyo Seco (DOH D7 Archives).

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