Monday, June 10, 2024

2nd Street Tunnel, Los Angeles

1921, View showing the 2nd Street Tunnel construction site before the boring of the tunnel from the Figueroa Street side (western portal).  The multi-story building at the upper right is the Stanley Hotel and Apartments.  

1924* - Grand opening of the 2nd Street Tunnel on July 25, 1924. A procession of dignitaries awaits the start of the parade while police on horseback maintain crowd control.


The 2nd Street Tunnel in Los Angeles is probably the most recognizable city landmark most Americans have never heard of.  The tunnel--a 1,500-foot-long bore lined with white tile, like a bathroom that never ends--has been used as an exterior in dozens of films and TV shows, most famously in the sci-fi masterpiece, Blade Runner.  Thanks to Water and Power Associates.

1950s, View looking east toward the west end of the 2nd Street Tunnel.  The Stanley Hotel and Apartments stand above the tunnel on Bunker Hill.  In the distance can be seen the dome of the Dome Hotel and Apartments on the SW corner of 2nd and Hill streets.  Bunker Hill would soon be scraped clean to make way for "redevelopment."

1950s, Close-up view of the east of the 2nd Street Tunnel, showing the deterioration of the neighborhood's boarding houses and residential hotels.  California State Library.

1968, View looking east toward the west end of 2nd Street Tunnel as seen from the southwest corner of 2nd and Figueroa.  Bunker Hill Tower, completed in 1968, is seen near the tunnel.  Photo courtesy of Classic Hollywood / Los Angeles / SFV.

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