Saturday, August 3, 2024

LA City Hall, 1927-

1926, View of excavation work for the construction of Los Angeles City Hall, showing the Los Angeles County Courthouse and Hall of Records in the background. Thank you to Los Angeles Relics.  

1927, the view looking east shows newly poured footings for the new City Hall building, as seen from the Hall of Records. At the upper-left corner can be seen two iconic LA buildings built in the late 1800s and located at Main and Market streets: Amestory Building and the U.S. Hotel.  Thank you to Water & Power.

1927, Preparation of the site for construction of Los Angeles City Hall. In the background stand the old County Courthouse and the Hall of Justice to its right.  Thank you to Water & Power.  

Word has it that my grandfather drove a truck that delivered materials, including cement.  Who knows? 

1927, Los Angeles City Hall under construction.  Thanks to Los Angeles Relics.  Posted Saturday, September 14, 2024.

1927, Los Angeles City Hall begins to take form @ 200 North Spring Street.  Thank you to Water & Power.

1928, City Hall under construction as seen from the upper terminus of Angels Flight at 3rd and Olive.  Thank you to Water & Power.

1928View showing the nearly completed City Hall building as seen from Weller Street (now Onizuka Street, Little Tokyo).  Metal scaffolding can be seen in place near the base of the tower. On the left can be seen the Salvation Army.

1929, Airplane flying over the Los Angeles City Hall.  Thanks to Historic Los Angeles for the picture.
1931, Looking south on Main Street across Temple at the old Federal Building/Post Office and City Hall.  Ornate 5-lamp streetlights can be seen in front of the Federal Building.  (Click here to see more in Early Streetlights of LA.)  Thanks to the Water and Power Museum

1948, Downtown street scene with a Los Angeles Railway streetcar passing the Hall of Records on Broadway with City Hall prominently in the background.  Thank you to Forgotten Los Angeles
1950s, The original Taix @ 321 Commercial Street, Downtown Los Angeles, CA.  Thank you to Jason Horton

1950s, Downtown Los Angeles.  Thank you to Lynn Thompson.  Posted Saturday, September 24, 2024.

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