Sunday, November 27, 2011


Dad was a champion in so many areas of his life.  Here he displays proudly, through posture and with hardware, his athletic and baseball achievements through great, competitive play with the County.

These two loved each other beyond measure.  They demonstrated their joy in each other by dancing.  We used to refer to them as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.  Funny to see the clothesline with laundry pins.  But that was our life in those days before the Kenmore dryer from Sears arrived.  This picture makes me think how absorbed each one was with the other.  I mean emotionally, not just morally and legally binding as spouses, but how much history they had together.  They were married for 48 years until my dad passed in 1988. 

Mom loved babies.  Here she is holding Bridget Larkin, which makes the year 1971.  There's Dad's County softball team trophy for best hitter.  I am sure.  ;-)

There was a photo here of Dad pouring coffee from a coffee decanter into a glass mug.  In the photo, he is wearing an apron with the word PAPA on it.  I believe the picture belongs to Sally Martinez.  I don't know why it got removed from my site.  

Below is one of his signature characters that he would draw on self-made birthday cards.  How lucky we were!

What's funny about this drawing is that it resembles the character Puddleglum from CS Lewis' The Silver Chair.  I never heard my dad name the character.  But he drew this character frequently.  My dad, maybe knowingly or not, had me drawing Puddleglum.  If you know Puddleglum from The Silver Chair, you'll understand why the character that my dad had me practice with is so funny. 

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