Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stylin' Joe Walgenbach

Joe Walgenbach showing off his new Timex, April, 1970.
Joe Walgenbach in the snow up on Mt. Baldy.  I need a cup of Dad's hot chocolate!  What year is this, Joe?  1964?

Chuck with Joe in the playful years of 1972 or 1973.

Joe Walgenbach, dog whisperer.  1971?  Notice how different he handles each dog: Tommy by the collar and Josephine by a controlled pet of her ribs.  Too funny.

Joe Walgenbach and Chuck Walgenbach, two football legends.  1971?  I miss that bottle-brush bush that grew in Frank & Brenda's backyard there.  There were always hummingbirds buzzing around it.
Joe, displaying refinement and taste with a beverage in his hands.  That is Kimberly and her brother Danny.  Or is that Kevin Larkin?  1971 or 1972?

Joe, with spoon in hand [he must've just polished off some chocolate ice cream], is so happy to be under the attentive and intelligent hands of our mother.  1966 or 1967? 

1 comment:

  1. Loiking at the photos above, I am reminded of the multiplied and epic hours of play in that backyard with everything from swimming in a doughboy pool to playing football pr pickle with Tom and Joe to me stringing a rope between the Elm Tree and the peach tree to see how high I could jump. I so badly wanted to be a qualifying high-jumper in track. The big name in those days was Dwight Stones, Years later, between 2010-2013, I used to play basketball with his cousin, Chris, who had terrific speed and leaping ability in his oen right as he shot those 20-foot baseline jumpers with 75% accuracy. In addition to those sports in the backyard, we played croquet, badminton, volleyball, and boxed with Tom and Joe. Sally bought me a catcher's mitt one year and I loved thinking I was Tom Haller of the Dodgers. Dad bought me a pitchback from Sears. He loved sports, and I guess I knew on which topics to appeal to his generosity. I miss that house. I miss those 60s and 70s ehen I grew up and lived with my older brothers and sisters and Mom and Dad.
