Friday, May 24, 2024

Bunker Hill, 1951

This is one of the better aerial shots that I've seen.  

1951 – A view of the northwest section of Bunker Hill, showing the future location of the Music Center with Echo Park and the Hollywood Hills visible in the distance.

1951, Looking down from the top of LA City Hall toward the northern edge of Bunker Hill and the remains of Fort Moore Hill. In the foreground the roof of the Hall of Records is visible at the left; the corner of Broadway and Temple Streets at the right. In the right background freeway construction has decimated Fort Moore Hill except for the south portal of the Pacific Electric tunnel. Court Street facing the camera at the left.  Thank you to Jack Feldman.  From Water & Power
1967 – Clearing Bunker Hill. The view looks south over a dirt pit with trucks lined up, waiting for their payload. In the distance (upper left), the PacBell Tower (now the AT&T Tower) located at 433 S. Olive Street is visible. Also visible is the Art Deco-style Edison Building (now One Bunker Hill) on the northwest corner of Grand Ave and 5th Street. Photo by William Reagh

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