Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bettyhill Avenue, Duarte, 1896

This photo is taken from the Monrovia Legacy Project website, but the shot is of Bettyhill Avenue, the cross street to Elda where we grew up.  The caption reads,
One of the most advanced orange growers of Southern California is A.C. Thomson, Duarte, originator and grower of the Thomson Improved Navel Orange. Through a series of interbudding, Mr. Thomson has succeeded in producing what is conceded to be the finest orange grown in California. It is seedless, of a medium size, and a splendid shipper. There is a great demand for buds from this variety of fruit , and they are readily sold at 2.5¢ each. For a number of years Mr. Thomson took first premium on his oranges at the different State Citrus Fairs, also at the Midwinter Fair, where he received two gold medals, seven silver medals, and nine diplomas. He is justly proud of his established reputation. The ranch contains forty acres, of which twenty eight are in oranges and lemons. He has twelve acres of his improved variety, and fourteen acres of Washington Navels. The crop this year will be over three thousand boxes, much of which goes to the New York market. Mr. Thomson sold last year 30,000 buds from his improved orange trees, and $1,000 worth of young trees. This year the sales will outdo the last."  Monrovia Messenger Souvenir Edition 1897.  Near Fish Canyon and Bettyhill in Duarte.

The date given is 1896.  

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