Sunday, June 16, 2024

Balboa Island, CA 1938

Spring Break at Balboa Island in 1938, back when they still called it “Easter Vacation.” At that time, the break was always scheduled to occur the week leading up to Easter Sunday, regardless of how late in the school year it fell.
There’s no accompanying info with these photos, unfortunately, but in the larger 90-image set, I can see signs for the University of Arizona chapters for the Phi Sigma Pi and Phi Gamma Delta fraternities.
I’m not sure what all is still standing here, aside from the Balboa Fun Zone (Slide 4), which had just opened two years earlier, and the Balboa Pavilion (Slides 9-10), which was built in 1906.
These were taken by Rex Hardy for LIFE Magazine, but I don’t see that they were ever published.

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