Saturday, June 29, 2024

2 LA Times Buildings in 1 Shot, 1934


1934, We get two L.A. Times buildings for the price of one. The street on the right with the streetcars is Broadway, and we’re looking south from First Street. The building on the left with the tower that looks like it was born in a 15th-century British castle is the building that the Times occupied until their new building was ready for occupation. We can see the Times’ new building behind it; it’s still under construction (is it Streamline Moderne?) and would open the following year. I wonder, however, where was this photograph taken from? A low-flying airplane seems unlikely.  Thank you to Martin Turnbull.  Some decent pics of the Times Building here.

1925, Civic Center.  Panoramic view of the Civic Center in the 1920s, looking north from First and Broadway, with the old Los Angeles Times Building in the foreground and the Hall of Records, the old County Courthouse, and the Broadway Tunnel beyond.   

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