Monday, July 29, 2024

Mullen & Bluett, 1920


1921, On November 16, 1921, the company opened a shop in the Ambassador Hotel, at 3400 Wilshire Boulevard.  

Note the location in the ad: Broadway at Sixth . . . Los Angeles

The sign at the right is for Mullen & Bluett, a fine clothing store for men.  It appears that it was famous. 

1923, Broadway looking north from 7th Street with a view of Mullen & Bluett. 

1929, Exterior view of Mullen and Bluett Clothing Company, located on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine. It is a two-story brick building with a shingled roof showing three prominent peaks and numerous windows. A plaque for Roos Bros. is located on the building to the right, and a plaque for B. H. Dyas Co. is located on the building to the left. Note street-railroad tracks in the middle of the main road.  Photo dated July 15, 1929.  Thanks to Calisphere.

1935, Martin Turnbull says that Mullen & Bluett was a mid-level department store, so not exclusively a men's clothing store. 

Mullen and Bluett was a mid-level department store with a number of locations, including Wilshire Blvd and Hollywood Blvd. The one shown in this photo was at Broadway and Sixth St in downtown Los Angeles. I love the oh-so Art Deco lettering they used out front of the building! Judging from that passing 1934 Ford Cabriolet, we can probably peg this photo circa mid-1930s when people were still working their way out of the Depression. Stores like these were lucky to have survived.

1943, Mullen & Bluett store window display, 610 S. Broadway, Downton Los Angeles, CA.

The Mullen & Bluett building is behind General George Patton in this photo from June 9, 1945.

1949, Mullen & Bluett Building, Wilshire Boulevard and Ridgeley Drive, Los Angeles, CA, La Brea Park area. 
Other building signs include Silverwoods, Wetherby Kayser, Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association, and General of America Insurance.  Thanks to UCLA.

1928, The two buildings in the background are the Guaranty Building on the left and the Knickerbocker Hotel on the right. They stand on Ivar Ave, which means the main street with traffic and streetcar is Hollywood Blvd. The billboard on the left is announcing a new Mullen & Bluett menswear store, which was at 6316 Hollywood Blvd, just west of Hollywood and Vine. Until I saw this photo, I didn’t know Cadillac had a location on Hollywood Blvd. The Guaranty opened in 1923, and the Knickerbocker broke ground in 1925 but opened in 1929, so I’m calling this photo circa late 1920s. 

Lew Irwin writes, 
Don Lee was the exclusive Cadillac distributor in Los Angeles, with a showroom in downtown Los Angeles at 7th and Bixel that opened in 1923 and a satellite operation in Pasadena that opened a few years later. This photo in Hollywood almost certainly shows the site of a Cadillac used-car and repair lot, not a new-car showroom.

1929, This is from the Los Angeles Times, Feb 22, 1929. 

The two buildings in the background are the Guaranty Building on the left and the Knickerbocker Hotel on the right. They stand on Ivar Ave, which means the main street with traffic and streetcar is Hollywood Blvd. The billboard on the left is announcing a new Mullen & Bluett menswear store, which was at 6316 Hollywood Blvd, just west of Hollywood and Vine. Until I saw this photo, I didn’t know Cadillac had a location on Hollywood Blvd. The Guaranty opened in 1923, and the Knickerbocker broke ground in 1925 but opened in 1929, so I’m calling this photo circa late 1920s. 

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