This is from Marta, Act 2: Last Rose of Summer, 1847. It's beautiful. "Letzte Rose (The Last Rose of Summer)" (Qui sola vergin rosa) (Harriet, later with Lyonel).
There are 8 notable pieces from the opera, Marta.
Noted arias, duets, ensembles
- "Ach! so fromm, ach! so traut (M'apparì tutt'amor," (Lyonel) "Ah! so pious, ah! so daring (M'apparì tutt'amor)" (Lyonel)
- "Blickt sein Aug" (Harriet and Lyonel). "Behold his eye."
- "Lasst mich euch fragen (Porter-Lied)" Drinking Song (Plunkett)
- "Letzte Rose (The Last Rose of Summer)" (Qui sola vergin rosa) (Harriet, later with Lyonel)
- "Mag der Himmel Euch vergeben" (Lyonel's Prayer)
- "Schlafe wohl! Und mag Dich reuen" (Good Night Quartet)
- "Was soll ich dazu sagen?" (Spinning-Wheel Quartet)
- "Povero Lionello... Il mio Lionel" (Added by Flotow for baritone Graziani's Plunkett, solely in the Italian version)
O, Holy Night. Probably the best version I've heard of it.