"Down to the River to Pray," (1867), sung by Alison Krause, was posted on a Facebook page that I like. I'd heard the song, have known of it since seeing the movie
"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou," (2000), and subsequently learned of Alison
Krause as well. But there are two things I like about this post. One is that I really liked this particular production of the song with the terrific scenes of tent
revivals, baptisms in local rivers versus the kind we're used to seeing inside
a church.
Two, I really liked the comment by Geoff Braun,
Two, I really liked the comment by Geoff Braun,
Though I’ve left the evangelical fold and joined the RC Church, I maintain great respect and admiration for the contribution non-sacramental Christian churches made to the developing culture of the USA. American Christianity has blessed us with the most singable hymns of the church, especially those that sprung out of camp meetings and revival tents.If you want to read the lyrics to the song, they're here.